How To Make a Signature
Creating a custom signature for personal and professional use can help you be more prepared next time you have to provide it for important documents. By taking the time to make a signature that accurately reflects your professional identity, you can emphasize your professionalism and enhance your personal brand.
Online electronic signature maker platforms like jSign make it easy to create a custom electronic signature in a matter of minutes. You can use your e-signature to sign documents online, making it easy to complete important documents from anywhere on any device.
Here’s everything you need to know about how to make a signature.
Why Your Signature Matters
Your signature is part of your personal brand. Whether it’s for personal or professional use, creating a good signature offers several benefits.
Creating a good signature can help:
- Emphasize your professionalism: A good, recognizable signature emphasizes your professionalism by showing that you put thought and effort into how you portray yourself when signing important documents.
- Establish your personal brand: Having a consistent signature makes your brand more recognizable to others, including customers, business partners, employers, and employees.
- Streamline workflows: Using a custom electronic signature makes it easy to sign documents quickly without needing to put any thought into writing a new signature for every document.
Taking the time to craft a recognizable signature that reflects your personal brand is a great way to streamline document workflows while enhancing your brand image.
How To Make a Signature
Your signature can be whatever you want it to be. It can be your entire name, your initials, or a select portion of your name. While signatures are traditionally written in cursive, they can also be printed.
Here are a few tips to help you learn how to create a signature.
- Decide what image you want to convey
Your signature is a reflection of yourself and your personal brand, so you should consider what image you want to convey when creating your signature.
Do you want it to seem professional? Creative? Confident?
Depending on what you want your signature to convey, you may make a complex signature with intricate details, or an easy-to-write signature featuring just your initials.
If you have a particularly common name, you might choose to make your signature more unique to make it stand out from others with the same name.
Complex signatures that use your entire name may also be more difficult for others to forge, which is something you may want to consider.
You might also consider creating two separate signatures: one for personal use and one for professional use. - Choose what parts of your name to include
Next, you should consider which parts of your name you want to include in your signature. You might choose to use your full name, including your middle name, to make your signature stand out and make it difficult for others to copy. Alternatively, you might choose to just use your initials to make your signature easier to write and read. Depending on what others know you as, you might also consider using just your first name or just your surname.
- Choose a style
After choosing which parts of your name to include, you can start experimenting with different styles and create signature looks. You can try writing your signature in cursive to make it look more traditional, or you can print your signature to make it more legible.
If you already have a signature but want to update it, consider what parts of your current signature you like and which parts you don’t like. By experimenting with different styles, you can get a better idea of the direction you want to go in and find the style that most accurately reflects your personal brand. - Be creative
When creating your signature, try being creative to make a signature that is unique to you. Your signature doesn’t have to be legible as much as it needs to be distinctive, so try thinking of ways to make your signature stand out.
For example, you might emphasize the first letter of your first and last name by making them larger and making the rest of the letters smaller. You can also underline your signature or add other design elements to make it more distinctive. - Create several signatures
Depending on your needs, you might consider creating multiple signatures for different use cases. For example, you might have a signature for personal use and one for professional use. You might also create a signature that includes your full name and one that includes just your initials for documents that require several signatures.
Create an Electronic Signature With jSign
As a leading electronic signature platform, jSign makes it easy for users to create custom electronic signatures for signing documents online.
With our online signature maker, you can choose one of four methods to quickly create an e-signature that you can use to sign documents online.
Draw your signature
With jSign, you can use your smartphone, tablet, or another touchscreen device to draw a custom electronic signature. This gives you full control over your signature, making it easy to create a unique signature that enhances your personal brand.
Use a sign pad
With a digital signing pad, you can use a stylus to draw a custom e-signature that resembles a handwritten signature.
Choose a template
For those that want to create a signature as quickly as possible, jSign includes several e-signature templates that users can choose from. Simply choose a template then type your name to automatically generate a custom e-signature.
Take a picture
If you already have a signature that you want to upload to jSign, you can snap a picture with your phone and upload the image to eSign documents online.
With the jSign signature creator, you can create a distinctive electronic signature in just a few minutes!
jSign Features & Benefits
jSign is a full-featured electronic signature platform that makes it easy to create electronic signatures, sign and send documents, and collect signatures from others.
Here are a few of the ways jSign stands out from other e-signature platforms.
Blockchain Stamping & Audit Trails
jSign uses blockchain stamping and document tracking to create verifiable audit trails. Any and all changes made to your document are recorded, so you can maintain peace of mind knowing that your documents are protected against tampering.
Unlimited Contacts
After using your electronic signature to sign documents, you can send documents to an unlimited number of contacts to collect their signatures and complete documents as quickly as possible.
Due Dates & Reminders
Some documents are time-sensitive. With jSign, you can set due dates and reminders to speed up the signing process and ensure documents are completed on time.
Real-Time Notifications
Real-time notifications help you stay up-to-date on the progress of your document. Whenever your document is complete, you’ll be notified immediately and receive a link to download the final document.
Certificates of Completion
Whenever you use jSign to sign and send a document, you’ll receive a Certificate of Completion showing the IP address, browser, device, and location of each person that signed the document. This helps users verify the authenticity of their documents and protect them against tampering.
Sign Up Now
jSign is available as a limited free trial featuring all of its capabilities, and paid plans start at just $9.99 a month.
Join today to start signing documents online!