Retrieve Envelope Metadata (GET /v2.0/envelopes/{envelopeId}/retrieve_metadata)

Get the metadata for an envelope using the envelope ID.

Request Parameters


Request Headers

Header Value
Authorization Bearer {access_token}
app_auth_type jsign-oauth2

Request Query String Parameters

Field Type Required Description
envelopeId GUID Yes Envelope ID

Response Parameters


Response Body Message Field

Field Always Present Description
envelope_id Yes Envelope ID
envelope_name Yes Envelope name
Documents Yes Document basic detail
documents[].document_id Yes Document ID
documents[].document_name Yes Document name
documents[].signers[] Yes Signer's details
documents[].signers[].signer_Email_Address Yes Signer's email
documents[].signers[].fields[] Yes Field details
documents[].signers[].fields[].Input_type Yes Input type
documents[].signers[].fields[].Field_Name Yes Field type
Documents[].signers[].fields[].Field_Value Yes Field value type

Sample Success Response

curl --location --request GET '/api/v2.0/envelopes/6a4e4fd3-e4c7-41ed-a15e-a4e0f9867c12/retrieve_metadata' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9' \
--header 'app_auth_type: jsign-oauth2'

"message": "",
"data": {
"envelope_id": "73189ddc-fd34-4377-abc6-56162a495c74",
"envelope_name": "Signature",
"documents": [
"document_id": "73189ddc-fd34-4377-abc6-56162a495c74",
"document_name": "Doc1",
"Signers": [
{ "signer_Email_Address": "[email protected]",
"fields": [
"Input_type": "Text Area",
"Field_Name": "Address Line1",
"Field_Value": "123 main st."
"Input_type": "dropdown",
"Field_Name": "state",
"Field_Value": "Maharashtra"
"signer_Email_Address": "[email protected]",
"fields": [
"Input_type": "dropdown",
"Field_Name": "state",
"Field_Value": "Gujarat"
"document_id": "73189ddc-fd34-4377-abc6-56162a495c74",
"document_name": "Doc2",
"Signers": [
"signer_Email_Address": "[email protected]",
"fields": [
"Input_type": "Text Area",
"Field_Name": "Address Line1",
"Field_Value": "123 main st."
"Input_type": "dropdown",
"Field_Name": "state",
"Field_Value": "Maharashtra"

Sample Error Response

curl --location --request GET '/api/v2.0/envelopes/6a4e4fd3-e4c7-41ed-a15e-a4e0f9867c12/retrieve_metadata' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9' \
--header 'app_auth_type: jsign-oauth2'

"errors": [
"developer_message": "Envelope signing process is not completed. Metadata can be retrieved only for signed Envelopes."

Note: View the full list of applicable error code for this method here.

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